Fitness and education for active living offered throughout Itasca County.

  • Stay Active & Independent for Life SAIL (Bone Builders) is a no-impact, non-aerobic exercise program for older adults to build strength, improve balance and flexibility, and increase bone density. Led by trained volunteers age 55+, ongoing sessions are offered twice weekly at 14 sites in Itasca County and two sites in Koochiching County. Sessions are free, open to adults of all ages, and people can attend a few sessions with no obligation before registering.
  • Living Well with Chronic Conditions helps participants and their caregivers with ongoing health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, COPD, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, anxiety, heart disease, and others. This class runs 6 weeks for 2 ½ hours, one time per week.
  • Living Well with Diabetes helps participants with type 2 diabetes develop strategies to improve well-being and practical daily techniques to manage symptoms. You will learn techniques to deal with symptoms. This class runs 6 weeks for 2 ½ hours, one time per week.
  • Living Well with Chronic Pain address the management of pain for those with a chronic illness. The topic includes techniques to deal with frustration, fatigue, isolation and poor sleep. Also how to effectively communicate with family, friends and health professionals.
  • Matter of Balance classes are designed to manage falls, increase activity levels, strength and balance. This is an 8-week class, 2 hours each session or 2 hours twice a week for 4 weeks. This program is suited for all fitness levels.
  • Tai Ji Quan is a fall prevention program that uses the principles and movements of Tai Ji in helping older adults improve their balance and increase their confidence in doing everyday activities. This is a 12 week, 60 minutes, 2 times per week program led by trained volunteers. This program is suited for all fitness levels.